研究警告说, 富裕国家重新开放的野生动物可能会使农业压力转移到贫穷国家的生物多样性热点. Study warns rewilding in rich countries may shift farming pressure to biodiversity hotspots in poorer nations.
剑桥大学的一项新研究警告说,像联合王国这样的富裕国家重新打乱努力可能会无意中损害较贫穷地区的生物多样性。 A new study from the University of Cambridge warns that rewilding efforts in wealthy countries like the UK could unintentionally harm biodiversity in poorer regions. 通过减少富裕地区的农耕和林业,可能会向非洲、亚洲和南美洲的发展中国家转移压力,这些国家的生产增加可能会损害生物多样性热点。 By reducing farming and forestry in affluent areas, pressure may shift to developing nations in Africa, Asia, and South America, where production increases could harm biodiversity hotspots. 为了防止这些意外的负面影响, 该研究呼吁保护政策采取更全面的视角. The study calls for a more global perspective in conservation policies to prevent these unintended negative consequences.