自由党拒绝翻译候选人Ruby Dhalla在蒙特利尔法国辩论中的翻译。 Liberal Party rejects translator for candidate Ruby Dhalla at French debate in Montreal.
加拿大自由党拒绝Ruby Dhalla在即将于蒙特利尔举行的法国辩论中要求一名翻译的请求。 The Liberal Party of Canada has refused Ruby Dhalla's request for a translator during the upcoming French debate in Montreal. Dhalla是一位法语不流利的领导候选人,他计划用法语出席和发言。 Dhalla, a leadership candidate not fluent in French, plans to attend and deliver statements in French. 辩论以法语和英语进行,定于2月24日和25日举行,新领导人将于3月9日在渥太华宣布。 The debates, in French and English, are scheduled for February 24 and 25, with the new leader to be announced on March 9 in Ottawa.