交通部长Pablo Rodriguez考虑竞选魁北克自由党领导人。 Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez considers running for Quebec Liberal Party leadership.
据报道,魁北克省总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)的副手交通部长巴勃罗·罗德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)正在考虑竞选魁北克自由党。 Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez, Quebec lieutenant for PM Justin Trudeau, is reportedly considering a bid to lead the Quebec Liberal Party. 一位发言人确认,他收到了许多要求参加省级政党领导竞选的请求,尽管他尚未证实他打算竞选。 A spokesperson has confirmed he has received numerous requests to join the provincial party's leadership race, though he has not confirmed his intent to run. Rodriguez开始他在魁北克的政治生涯, 并认真考虑竞选该党的领导职位, Rodriguez began his political career in Quebec and is seriously considering running for the party's leadership, with the winner to be chosen in June. 现在的官方候选人是前蒙特利尔市长丹尼斯·科德尔. Current official candidate for the position is former Montreal mayor Denis Coderre.