加拿大部长Francois-Philippe香槟决定竞选自由党领导人以取代Trudeau。 Canadian minister Francois-Philippe Champagne to decide on running for Liberal leadership to replace Trudeau.
加拿大工业部长 François-Philippe Champagne 将于今天宣布他是否会参加自由党领导层竞选,以接替总理贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau)。 Canadian Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne will announce today if he will run in the Liberal leadership race to succeed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 安大略MP Chandra Arya和前蒙特利尔议员Frank Baylis已经宣布了他们的候选资格。 Ontario MP Chandra Arya and former Montreal MP Frank Baylis have already declared their candidacies. 前财政部长Chrystia Freeland、前加拿大银行行长Mark Carney和前英国中央银行行长。 Former Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, and former B.C. 克里斯蒂·克拉克总理将加入。 Premier Christy Clark are expected to join. 遗产部长Pascale St-Onge强调,下一任领导人必须讲流利的法语和英语,并支持CBC/Radio-Canada供资。 Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge emphasizes the need for the next leader to speak both fluent French and English and support CBC/Radio-Canada funding.