印度提议进行法律改革,允许外国律师事务所,并使法律标准现代化。 India proposes legal reforms to allow foreign law firms and modernize legal standards.
印度政府正在对1961年的《律师法》提出修正案,提出可允许外国律师事务所在印度开展业务的修改,并赋予中央政府提名印度律师理事会成员的权力。 The Indian government is proposing amendments to the Advocates Act of 1961, introducing changes that could allow foreign law firms to operate in India and giving the central government power to nominate members to the Bar Council of India. 修正案还力求使法律教育和专业标准现代化,使以付费方式购买法律从业人员的“停业”行为可受到处罚。 The amendments also aim to modernize legal education and professional standards, making the act of 'touting'—procuring legal practitioners for payment—punishable. 关于法案草案的公众磋商将于2月底结束。 Public consultations on the draft bill will conclude by the end of February.