希腊监察员指控海岸警卫队未能援助移民船只,导致646人死亡。 Greece's Ombudsman accuses coast guard of failing to aid migrant boat, leading to 646 deaths.
希腊监察员发现,海岸警卫队在2023年地中海一艘过分拥挤的移民船沉没期间未能遵守海事规则,这是该地区最严重的船难之一。 Greece's Ombudsman has found that the coast guard failed to follow maritime rules during the 2023 sinking of an overcrowded migrant boat in the Mediterranean, one of the region's worst shipwrecks. 调查与幸存者的证词一致,发现海岸警卫队推迟了救援工作,未能提醒船只。 The inquiry, aligning with survivors' testimonies, found the coast guard delayed rescue efforts and failed to alert the boat. 该报告因可能发生犯罪行为而送交海军法庭,建议对8名海岸警卫队军官采取惩戒行动。 The report, sent to a naval court for potential criminal actions, recommends disciplinary action against eight coast guard officers. 至少646人死亡,仅有104名幸存者。 At least 646 people died, with only 104 survivors.