加拿大游客面临使用无人机拍摄卡纳维拉尔角敏感地区照片的收费。 Canadian tourist faces charges for using a drone to photograph sensitive areas at Cape Canaveral.
一名71岁的加拿大游客小光潘被控使用无人驾驶飞机拍摄Florida Cape Canaveral空间部队站敏感区域的未经许可照片。 A 71-year-old Canadian tourist, Xiao Guang Pan, is charged with using a drone to take unauthorized photos of sensitive areas at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. 据称,Pan在1月的三天单独飞行了无人驾驶飞机,拍摄了空间发射场、加工设施、潜艇码头和弹药掩体的图像。 Pan allegedly flew the drone on three separate days in January to capture images of space launch sites, processing facilities, a submarine wharf, and munitions bunkers. 他面临三起非法拍摄国防设施照片的指控,由于医疗原因,他的出庭日期重新安排。 He faces three charges of unlawful photographing of defense installations, with his court appearance rescheduled due to medical concerns.