菲律宾当局在Masbate附近发现了一架中国潜水无人机,这被视为一个安全问题。 Philippine authorities discovered a Chinese submersible drone off Masbate, seen as a security concern.
12月在菲律宾马斯巴特海岸发现一架潜航无人驾驶飞机,怀疑该飞机来自中国。 A submersible drone, suspected to be of Chinese origin, was found off the coast of Masbate, Philippines, in December. 这架标有“HY-119”的无人机缺乏推进系统,看来是设计用于长期数据收集的。 The drone, labeled 'HY-119', lacks a propulsion system and appears designed for long-term data collection. 菲律宾政府将此视为一个安全问题,司法部等待法医分析,然后决定进一步的行动。 The Philippine government is treating this as a security issue, with the Department of Justice awaiting forensic analysis before deciding on further action. 这一事件是在菲律宾水域发现多架类似的无人机之后发生的,引起人们对中国在该地区活动的担忧。 This incident follows the discovery of multiple similar drones in Philippine waters, raising concerns about China's activities in the region.