一名中国人在韩国被指控在新独立国家总部和附近历史遗址拍摄无人机。 A Chinese man is charged in South Korea for drone filming at NIS headquarters and nearby historical sites.
一名40多岁的中国男子在韩国面临起诉, 因为他使用无人机拍摄首尔国家情报局(国安局)总部。 A Chinese man in his 40s is facing prosecution in South Korea for allegedly using a drone to film the National Intelligence Service (NIS) headquarters in Seoul. 这起事件还涉及拍摄附近历史遗址,导致根据《军事基地和设施保护法》和《文化遗产保护法》提出指控。 The incident also involved filming nearby historical sites, leading to charges under the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act and the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. 这一事件加深了人们对该区域无人机安全的关切。 This event has heightened concerns over drone security in the region.