BBC苏格兰的新《 docu系列》探索了对连环杀手Peter Tobin的猎杀。 Peter Tobin几十年来一直在猎杀年轻妇女。 BBC Scotland's new docuseries explores the hunt for serial killer Peter Tobin, who preyed on young women for decades.
BBC Scottland即将推出的纪录片系列“Peter Tobin的猎杀”探索苏格兰连环杀手Peter Tobin的案例, BBC Scotland's upcoming documentary series "The Hunt for Peter Tobin" explores the case of Scottish serial killer Peter Tobin, who targeted young women across the UK for over 30 years. 由两部分组成的系列于2025年3月播出,审查Vicky Hamilton、Dinah McNicol和Angelika Kluk的失踪情况,与家属、侦探和专家进行访谈。 The two-part series, airing in March 2025, examines the disappearances of Vicky Hamilton, Dinah McNicol, and Angelika Kluk, featuring interviews with family members, detectives, and experts. 报告着重介绍了警方的广泛工作及其对受害者家庭的影响。 It highlights the extensive police work and impact on the victims' families.