由 3 部分组成的 BBC 纪录片《Lucan》探讨了 1974 年涉嫌谋杀保姆桑德拉·里维特 (Sandra Rivett) 的卢坎勋爵 (Lord Lucan) 的失踪事件,以及儿子寻求正义的故事。 3-part BBC documentary "Lucan" explores the 1974 disappearance of Lord Lucan, suspected of murdering nanny Sandra Rivett, and son's quest for justice.
BBC 将播出一部名为“Lucan”的三集纪录片,调查 1974 年英国同行 Lord Lucan 的失踪事件,他涉嫌谋杀了他孩子的保姆 Sandra Rivett。 The BBC is set to air a three-part documentary titled "Lucan," examining the 1974 disappearance of British peer Lord Lucan, suspected of murdering his children's nanny, Sandra Rivett. 这一系列事件紧随里维特的儿子Neil Berriman寻求正义,相信Lucan以别名逃往非洲。 The series follows Neil Berriman, Rivett's son, on his quest for justice, believing Lucan escaped to Africa under an alias. 尽管卢坎89岁,贝里曼仍然决心揭露真相。 Despite Lucan being 89, Berriman remains determined to uncover the truth. 记录片将揭示未破案件,定于今年秋天发布。 The documentary will shed light on the unresolved case and is scheduled for release this autumn.