警方继续搜寻失踪的选手萨曼莎·墨菲 在巴拉拉特,在她失踪的一年后 Police search continues for missing runner Samantha Murphy in Ballarat, year after her disappearance.
维多利亚州巴拉拉特的警察 正在继续寻找萨曼莎·墨菲的遗骸 萨曼莎·墨菲一年前在跑步时失踪了 Police in Ballarat, Victoria, are continuing their search for the remains of Samantha Murphy, who disappeared a year ago while going for a run. 尽管一名23岁男子被指控谋杀她,但在多个地点进行的大规模搜查尚未发现她的尸体。 Despite charging a 23-year-old man with her murder, extensive searches in multiple locations have not yet found her body. 侦探Dave Dunstan重申失踪人士小组 承诺寻找Murphy, 并敦促公众报告任何调查结果。 Detective Inspector Dave Dunstan reaffirmed the Missing Persons Squad's commitment to locating Murphy, urging the public to report any findings. 该案还突出了澳大利亚基于性别的暴力问题,有报道称此类事件有所增加。 The case has also highlighted the issue of gender-based violence in Australia, with reports of an increase in such incidents.