Alistair Wilson银行家在苏格兰奈恩被枪杀;20年后又下令进行新的调查。 Banker Alistair Wilson shot dead in Nairn, Scotland; fresh investigation ordered 20 years later.
2004年11月,银行家Alistair Wilson在苏格兰奈恩的家中被枪杀,凶手从未被确认。 In November 2004, banker Alistair Wilson was shot dead at his home in Nairn, Scotland, and his killer has never been identified. Dorothy Bain KC大律师现已下令对未破案件进行新的调查,皇家办公室和苏格兰警察派出的小组负责重新审查证据。 Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC has now ordered a fresh investigation into the unsolved case, with teams from the Crown Office and Police Scotland assigned to re-examine evidence. Bain的目标是为Wilson的家庭和社区伸张正义,因为调查在近20年之后仍然很活跃。 Bain aims to secure justice for Wilson's family and the community, as the investigation remains active after nearly 20 years.