美国从2023年就为委内瑞拉人终止了TPS, 冒着被驱逐数千人的风险。 U.S. ends TPS for Venezuelans from 2023 designation, risking deportation for thousands.
特朗普政府终止了对根据2023年指认登记的委内瑞拉人的临时保护地位(TPS),影响到他们在美国的法律地位。 The Trump administration has ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelans registered under the 2023 designation, affecting their legal status in the U.S. 该决定不影响根据2021年的指定授予的社会保障金,该指定有效期至2025年9月。 This decision does not impact those granted TPS under the 2021 designation, which remains active until September 2025. 这一举动以委内瑞拉条件改善为由,使许多人处于不确定的境地,担心被驱逐出境和需要提出其他移民申请以避免被驱逐出境。 The move, citing improved conditions in Venezuela, leaves many in uncertainty, with concerns over deportation and the need for alternative immigration claims to avoid removal.