威胁要更新《非洲增长和机会法》可能会使南非汽车业损失美国出口1.88B美元和500,000个工作岗位。 Threat to renew AGOA could cost South African auto industry $1.88B in US exports and 500,000 jobs.
南非汽车工业每年向美国出口18.8亿美元的车辆,但由于特朗普总统威胁通过《非洲增长和机会法》(AGOA)终止优惠贸易准入,南非汽车工业面临不确定性。 South Africa's auto industry, which exports $1.88 billion worth of vehicles to the US annually, faces uncertainty as President Trump threatens to end preferential trade access through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). 这项法案为非洲国家提供免税进入美国市场的准入,使主要汽车制造商如宝马、福特和丰田受益。 This act offers duty-free access to the US market for African countries, benefiting major automakers like BMW, Ford, and Toyota. 如果《非洲增长和机会法》在2025年9月得不到更新,雇用约50万人的南非汽车部门可能会蒙受大量失业和投资下降。 If AGOA is not renewed in September 2025, the South African auto sector, employing around 500,000 people, could suffer significant job losses and investment declines.