南韩敦促受访的实习医生恢复关于增加医学院入学人数的谈判。 South Korea urges striking trainee doctors to resume talks on increasing medical school admissions.
韩国第二副卫生部长朴敏洙(Park Min-soo)敦促医疗专业人员,包括数千名罢工的见习医生,恢复与政府的会谈,讨论增加医学院入学人数的计划。 South Korea's Second Vice Health Minister, Park Min-soo, has urged medical professionals, including thousands of striking trainee doctors, to resume talks with the government over plans to increase medical school admissions. 政府的目标是在2025年增加1 500名学生,作为五年计划的一部分,使入学人数增加10 000人,以解决医生短缺问题。 The government aims to add 1,500 more students in 2025 as part of a five-year plan to boost admissions by 10,000 to address a doctor shortage. 代表总统Choi Sang-mok表示, 政府愿意调整配额, 为解决僵局带来希望。 Acting President Choi Sang-mok has indicated the government is open to adjusting the quota, offering hope for resolving the standoff.