韩国禁止飞机上方的便携式充电器和电子香烟,以防止火灾。 South Korea bans portable chargers and e-cigarettes from plane overhead bins to prevent fires.
韩国交通部因应最近釜山航空班机失火事件, 从3月1日起将禁止空舱的便携式充电器和电子气囊。 South Korea's transport ministry, responding to a recent fire on an Air Busan flight, will ban portable chargers and e-cigarettes from overhead compartments starting March 1. 乘客可携带至多5个100瓦小时的电池,禁止使用160瓦小时以上的电池。 Passengers can carry up to five 100-watt-hour batteries, with a ban on those over 160 watt-hours. 此外,禁止在飞行中充电便携式电池。 Charging portable batteries in-flight is also prohibited. 这些措施的目的是在对锂离子电池火灾的担忧下加强航空安全。 The measures aim to enhance aviation safety amid concerns over lithium-ion battery fires.