7人因贩毒和展示武器在波特兰被捕;芬太尼、安非他明和查获可卡因。 Seven arrested in Portland for drug trafficking and weapon displays; fentanyl, meth, and cocaine seized.
缅因州波特兰的警察在对公寓进行突袭时逮捕了7人,原因是有人投诉贩毒、展示武器和扰乱秩序。 Police in Portland, Maine, arrested seven individuals during a raid at an apartment due to complaints of drug trafficking, weapon displays, and disorderly conduct. 当局查获芬太尼、甲基安非他明和快克可卡因,所有七人均面临非法侵入罪指控,其中一些人还面临其他指控,包括违反武器规定和持有毒品。 Authorities seized fentanyl, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine, and all seven face criminal trespass charges, with some facing additional charges including weapons violations and drug possession. 调查仍在进行之中,缅因州缉毒局和波特兰警察局参与了这项行动。 The investigation is ongoing, and the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency and Portland Police were involved in the operation.