在发现芬太尼和可卡因后,在巴黎缅因州逮捕了7人,罪名是贩毒。 Seven people arrested in Paris, Maine, for drug trafficking after fentanyl and cocaine were found.
在一次警方行动发现芬太尼、快克可卡因和贩毒证据后,7个人在巴黎缅因州被捕。 Seven individuals were arrested in Paris, Maine, following a police operation that uncovered fentanyl, crack cocaine, and drug trafficking evidence. 牛津郡治安官办公室领导了这次突袭行动,指控嫌疑人持有和贩运毒品。 The Oxford County Sheriff's Office led the raid, charging the suspects with drug possession and trafficking. 当局鼓励公众向缅因州缉毒局报告任何贩毒活动。 Authorities encourage the public to report any drug trafficking activity to the Maine Drug Enforcement office.