在缅因州逮捕5名男子,罪名是贩运涉及芬太尼和快克的毒品;调查仍在进行中。 Five men arrested in Maine for drug trafficking involving fentanyl and crack; investigation ongoing.
缅因州有5名男子在涉及芬太尼和裂缝的贩毒调查中被捕。 Five men were arrested in Maine in a drug trafficking investigation involving fentanyl and crack. 缅因州禁毒执法机构进行了多次受控采购,并执行了三项搜查令。 The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency conducted multiple controlled purchases and executed three search warrants. 在Biddeford逮捕了2人,在Lyman又逮捕了2人,预计随着调查的继续,将提出更多指控。 Two arrests were made in Biddeford, and two more in Lyman, with additional charges expected as the investigation continues.