3人因贩毒而在戴维斯县被捕,4人在缅因州卡斯韦尔被捕;200k+价值的芬太尼和甲基安非他明被查获。 3 individuals arrested in Daviess County for drug trafficking, 4 in Caswell, Maine; $200k+ worth of fentanyl & meth seized.
在最近的麻醉品调查中,在当局查获包括甲基安非他明和芬太尼在内的各种毒品以及火器之后,有三人因贩毒而在戴维斯县被捕。 In recent narcotics investigations, three individuals were arrested in Daviess County for drug trafficking after authorities seized various drugs, including methamphetamine and fentanyl, along with a firearm. 与此同时,在缅因州卡斯维尔逮捕了4名嫌疑人,搜查期间发现了价值20多万美元的芬太尼和安非他明。 Simultaneously, four suspects were apprehended in Caswell, Maine, with over $200,000 worth of fentanyl and meth discovered during a search. 所有嫌疑人都面临严重的贩运指控,并被押入监狱,保释金为每人15 000美元。 All suspects face serious trafficking charges and are being held in jail with bail set at $15,000 each.