民族国家和网络犯罪分子的勒索软件攻击激增,澳大利亚间谍干预了俄罗斯的健康数据盗窃案。 Ransomware attacks by nation-states and cybercriminals surge, with Australian spies intervening in a Russian health data theft.
民族国家黑客,尤其是来自中国、俄罗斯、伊朗和朝鲜的黑客,越来越多地使用勒索软件进行间谍活动、实现政治目标和经济利益,使网络防御工作复杂化。 Nation-state hackers, particularly from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, are increasingly using ransomware for espionage, political goals, and financial gain, complicating cyber defense efforts. 与此同时,谷歌的威胁情报报告强调,网络犯罪激增,出于经济动机的行为者比国家支持的攻击者进行更多的入侵,这凸显了网络犯罪分子和民族国家行为者之间日益增长的重叠。 Meanwhile, Google's Threat Intelligence report highlights that cybercrime has surged, with financially motivated actors conducting more intrusions than state-backed attackers, highlighting the growing overlap between cybercriminals and nation-state actors. 在另一项进展中,澳大利亚网络间谍破坏了俄罗斯的一项业务,该业务存储了数百万澳大利亚人的被盗健康数据,包括 Medibank 泄露的敏感个人信息。 In a separate development, Australian cyber spies have disrupted a Russian operation storing stolen health data from millions of Australians, including sensitive personal information from a Medibank breach.