黑莓报称, 超过600,000次针对重要基础设施的网络攻击, 金融是重中之重的目标。 BlackBerry reports over 600,000 cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, with finance heavily targeted.
BlackBerry的最新报告显示, 从2024年7月至9月, 重要基础设施遭到600,000次网络攻击, 其中45%针对金融业。 BlackBerry's latest report reveals 600,000 cyberattacks on critical infrastructure from July to September 2024, with 45% targeting the financial sector. 该报告载有加拿大皇家骑警的见解,突出了赎金软件、深层假技术和地缘政治威胁的上升。 The report, which includes insights from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, highlights the rise of ransomware, deepfake technology, and geopolitical threats. 北美和拉丁美洲是最有针对性的区域,面临新的危险,如Lynx赎金软件和Coyote银行行。 North America and Latin America are the most targeted regions, facing new dangers like Lynx ransomware and the Coyote banking trojan.