朝鲜的Lazarus集团(Lazarus Group)以隐藏在流行软件包中的恶意软件的加密货币用户为目标。 North Korea's Lazarus Group targets cryptocurrency users with malware hidden in popular software packages.
朝鲜的Lazarus集团发起了一场恶意软件运动, 名为“火星科技破坏行动”, North Korea's Lazarus Group has launched a malware campaign called Operation Marstech Mayhem, targeting cryptocurrency developers via the NPM registry and GitHub. 恶意软件名为Marstech1, 隐藏在常用软件包中, 目的是扫描和妥协密码货币钱包, 如MetaMask、Exodus和Atoron。 The malware, named Marstech1, is hidden in commonly used software packages and aims to scan and compromise cryptocurrency wallets like MetaMask, Exodus, and Atomic. 这次袭击影响到230多人,展示了复杂的规避技术,突显了对开放源码项目日益严重的威胁,以及强化安全措施的必要性。 This attack has affected over 230 individuals and showcases sophisticated evasion techniques, highlighting the increasing threat to open-source projects and the need for enhanced security measures.