一位匿名程序员发现 Linux 数据压缩工具 XZ Utils 存在一个漏洞,可能会使 Linux 设备遭受恶意攻击。 An anonymous coder discovered a flaw in XZ Utils, a Linux data compression tool, potentially exposing Linux devices to malicious attacks.
一名匿名程序员几乎利用 Linux 系统中广泛使用的数据压缩工具 XZ Utils 中的一个漏洞侵入互联网。 An anonymous coder almost breached the internet through a flaw in XZ Utils, a data compression tool widely used in Linux systems. 安全专家发现的这一缺陷可能会使联网的 Linux 设备遭受恶意攻击。 The flaw, discovered by security experts, could expose networked Linux devices to malicious attacks. XZ Utils 由志愿者维护,强调了与源代码不公开的软件相关的独特风险。 XZ Utils is maintained by a volunteer, highlighting unique risks associated with software where source code is not openly available. 这一事件引发了人们对软件领域潜在漏洞的担忧,因为源代码尚未向公众开放。 This incident raises concerns about potential vulnerabilities in the world of software where source code is not open to public scrutiny.