新的恶意软件,上帝Loader,利用Godot游戏引擎,自6月以来感染了超过17 000个装置。 New malware, GodLoader, exploits the Godot game engine to infect over 17,000 devices since June.
安保公司检查点研究发现一个新的恶意软件名为 God Loader, 利用 Godot 游戏引擎用恶意软件感染设备。 Security firm Check Point Research has identified a new malware called GodLoader, which exploits the Godot game engine to infect devices with malicious software. 自2024年6月以来,超过17 000个装置被泄露。 Since June 2024, over 17,000 devices have been compromised. 恶意软件用Godot的脚本语言写成, 能够绕过大多数抗病毒程序, 下载更多恶意软件, The malware, written in Godot's scripting language, can bypass most antivirus programs and download additional malware, such as cryptocurrency miners and data stealers. 它通过合法长相的存储库传播,欺骗用户下载恶意内容。 It spreads through legitimate-looking repositories, tricking users into downloading malicious content. 建议用户保持谨慎,并不断更新其系统,以防范这种威胁。 Users are advised to remain cautious and keep their systems updated to protect against this threat.