新西兰通过法律来制止家庭案件中的诉讼滥用,目的是保护受害者。 New Zealand passes law to curb litigation abuse in family cases, aiming to protect victims.
新西兰议会通过了新立法,以更好地保护家庭诉讼中诉讼虐待的受害者。 New Zealand's Parliament has passed new legislation to better protect victims of litigation abuse in family proceedings. 法律扩大了法院识别和处理虐待行为的能力,允许法院发布命令,要求虐待方批准任何进一步的法律行动,在特殊情况下,最长可达五年。 The law expands the courts' ability to identify and address abusive behavior, allowing them to issue orders requiring approval for any further legal actions by the abusive party, lasting up to five years in exceptional cases. 这一举措旨在改善受害者诉诸司法的机会,减少暴力犯罪和青少年犯罪复发。 This move aims to improve access to justice for victims and reduce violent crime and repeat youth offending.