微软识别了俄罗斯BadPilot黑客自2021年以来针对美国及盟国网络的黑客。 Microsoft identifies Russia's BadPilot hackers targeting U.S. and allied networks since 2021.
微软在俄罗斯沙虫黑客小组内 确定了一个分组 名叫巴德皮洛 一直以美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚的网络为攻击目标 Microsoft has identified a subgroup within Russia's Sandworm hacking team, named BadPilot, which has been targeting networks in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. 该集团利用已知的软件脆弱性,进入高价值组织,包括电信、石油和天然气及航运公司。 This group exploits known software vulnerabilities to gain access to high-value organizations, including telecommunications, oil and gas, and shipping companies. BadPilot自2021年以来一直积极开展活动,利用远程监测工具维持网络的持久性而不被发现。 BadPilot has been active since 2021, using remote monitoring tools to maintain persistence in networks without detection. 微软警告说,该团体的行动支持沙虫发动规模更大的攻击,并建议关键部门加强安全措施和弥补脆弱性。 Microsoft warns that this group's operations support larger attacks by Sandworm and advises critical sectors to enhance security measures and patch vulnerabilities.