男人承认泼沸水,在妻子睡觉时用锤子打她,判决待定。 Man admits pouring boiling water, hitting wife with hammer while she slept; sentencing pending.
一名63岁的Cork男子Noel Twomey承认他妻子在她睡觉时向她泼开水并用锤子打她,使她受重伤。 A 63-year-old Cork man, Noel Twomey, admitted to severely injuring his wife by pouring boiling water on her while she slept and hitting her with a hammer. 他对攻击指控认罪,在对医疗和心理报告进行审查后,将于5月8日判刑。 He pleaded guilty to assault charges and will be sentenced on May 8 after medical and psychiatric reports are reviewed. Twomey没有表示悔恨,在悬挂巡逻车旗后被捕。 Twomey showed no remorse and was arrested after flagging down a patrol car. 量刑时将考虑受害者影响声明。 Victim impact statements will be considered at sentencing.