Florida男子被控在圣诞节用大锤攻击妻子后企图谋杀。 Florida man charged with attempted murder after attacking wife with sledgehammer on Christmas Day.
一名佛罗里达男子Jonathan McPhee被指控犯有谋杀未遂罪,据称他在圣诞节用大锤袭击其睡着的妻子Aileen McPhee, 并援引财政和健康问题为由。 A Florida man, Jonathan McPhee, was charged with attempted murder after allegedly attacking his sleeping wife, Aileen McPhee, with a sledgehammer on Christmas Day, citing financial and health issues. 他打911电话供认,向他妻子的女儿发送了这次袭击和葬礼安排的细节,并在他们家门外发现自己受刀伤。 He called 911 to confess, sent his wife's daughter details of the attack and funeral arrangements, and was found outside their home with a self-inflicted knife wound. 两人都住院治疗;Jonathan后来被逮捕。 Both were hospitalized; Jonathan was later arrested.