JP摩根大通公司开始裁员,预计今年会裁员更多,尽管确切数字尚未披露。 JPMorgan Chase initiates layoffs, with more cuts expected this year, though exact numbers are undisclosed.
Jporgan Chase已开始第一轮裁员, 根据Barron的报导, 预计今年晚些时候会进一步裁员。 JPMorgan Chase has begun its first round of layoffs, with additional cuts expected later this year, according to reports from Barron's. 银行巨头正在计划进一步削减工作人员,尽管受影响的工作的确切数目尚未公布。 The banking giant is planning further reductions in staff, though the exact number of jobs affected has not been disclosed.