在竞争对手夸耀获得摩根大通的租约和客户后,摩根大通首席执行官杰米戴蒙实施了直接批准关闭分支机构的政策。 JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, implemented a policy for direct approval of branch closures after competitor boasting about gaining JPMorgan's leases and customers.
摩根大通首席执行官杰米戴蒙在听到竞争对手夸口要接管摩根大通的租约和客户后表示,没有他的直接批准,没有一家分行会关闭。 JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, stated that no branch has closed without his direct approval after hearing a competitor boast about taking over JPMorgan's leases and customers. 做出这一决定是为了回应商业银行创始人弗农·希尔 (Vernon Hill) 在之前的一次会议上吹嘘承接了摩根大通分行租约的消息。 This decision was made in response to Vernon Hill, founder of Commerce Bank, bragging about taking on JPMorgan's branch leases during a previous conference. 戴蒙希望确保银行不会流失更多客户到竞争对手手中。 Dimon wanted to ensure that the bank did not lose more customers to competitors.