JP摩根大通计划在低收入地区开设100个分行,并在五年内雇用75名社区管理人员。 JPMorgan Chase plans to open 100 branches in low-income areas and hire 75 community managers over five years.
摩根大通计划在低收入城市和农村地区开设近100个分行,以解决银行实际地点减少的问题。 JPMorgan Chase is set to open nearly 100 branches in low-income urban and rural areas, addressing the decline of physical bank locations. 该倡议旨在支持小企业,并在五年内举办金融扫盲讲习班。 The initiative aims to support small businesses and offer financial literacy workshops over five years. 首席执行官Jamie Dimon称模型成功。 CEO Jamie Dimon calls the model successful. 此外,JPMorgan将雇用75名社区管理人员与地方组织合作,这是开设500个新分支机构和翻修1 700个现有分支机构的更广泛计划的一部分。 Additionally, JPMorgan will hire 75 community managers to collaborate with local organizations, part of a broader plan to open 500 new branches and renovate 1,700 existing ones.