前伊利诺斯众议院议长Michael Madigan因10项腐败指控(包括贿赂和电线欺诈)被定罪。 Ex-Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan convicted on 10 corruption charges, including bribery and wire fraud.
前伊利诺伊州众议院议长迈克尔·马迪根(Michael Madigan)任职近50年,在23项腐败指控(包括贿赂和电线欺诈)中,因10项罪名被定罪。 Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, who held office for nearly 50 years, was convicted on 10 out of 23 corruption charges, including bribery and wire fraud. 陪审团未能就其余的指控作出裁决。 The jury was unable to reach a verdict on the remaining charges. Madigan被控利用自己的影响力为一家公用事业公司谋取好处以换取个人利益,他被定罪后的行动面临严重后果,有可能改变伊利诺伊州的政治格局。 Madigan, accused of using his influence to secure favors for a utility company in exchange for personal benefits, faces significant consequences for his convicted actions, potentially reshaping Illinois's political landscape.