伊利诺伊州前议长Michael Madigan面临腐败审判,辩方质疑关键证人的可信度。 Former Illinois Speaker Michael Madigan faces corruption trial, with defense questioning key witness credibility.
前伊利诺伊州众议院议长迈克尔·马迪根(Michael Madigan)和游说主义者迈克尔·麦克莱恩(Michael McClain)正面临23起腐败案的审判, Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and lobbyist Michael McClain are facing a 23-count corruption trial, with Madigan's defense focusing on discrediting key witness Daniel Solis, calling him a "malignant tumor." 辩方辩称,Madigan不是以贸易立法换取好处,不工作合同不是贿赂,而是政治建议。 The defense argues that Madigan did not trade legislation for favors and that no-work contracts were not bribes but political recommendations. 最后辩论已经结束,预计陪审团将很快开始审议。 Closing arguments have concluded, and the jury is expected to begin deliberations soon.