前伊利诺伊州众议院议长迈克尔·马迪根因23项贿赂、敲诈勒索和不当行为的联邦审判开始于10月8日。 Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan's federal trial on 23 counts of bribery, racketeering, and misconduct starts Oct 8.
伊利诺伊州前众议院议长迈克尔·马迪根 (Michael Madigan) 和他的密友迈克尔·麦克莱恩 (Michael McClain) 被指控经营犯罪企业的联邦审判将于 10 月 8 日开始。 Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and his confidant Michael McClain's federal trial, accused of running a criminal enterprise, starts on Oct 8. Madigan面临23项贿赂、敲诈勒索和不当行为指控。 Madigan faces 23 counts of bribery, racketeering, and misconduct. 检察官试图排除“一如既往的政治”辩护,并希望专家证人迪克·辛普森 (Dick Simpson) 的证词,而辩方则反对它,认为它过时且轶事。 Prosecutors seek to exclude "politics as usual" defense and want expert witness Dick Simpson's testimony, while defense argues against it as outdated and anecdotal.