前伊利诺伊州众议院议长Michael Madigan因受贿和敲诈指控而面临审判。 Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan faces trial for bribery and racketeering charges.
前伊利诺伊州众议院议长Michael Madigan因受贿和敲诈罪受审,被控利用其政治权力为自己和盟友谋利。 Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan is on trial for bribery and racketeering, accused of using his political power to benefit himself and allies. 检察官要求Madigan将生意交给他的律师事务所,并接受公用事业公司的青睐。 Prosecutors claim Madigan steered business to his law firm and accepted favors from utility companies. 辩方律师提出证人来反驳这些指控,认为Madigan已经订立了利益冲突协议。 Defense lawyers are presenting witnesses to counter these allegations, arguing Madigan had conflict-of-interest protocols in place. 审判即将结束,预计不久将进行终结辩论。 The trial is nearing its end, with closing arguments expected soon.