两名男子在埃尔帕索被捕,罪名是企图从停放的卡车上偷取一个催化转换器。 Two men were arrested in El Paso for attempting to steal a catalytic converter from a parked truck.
在埃尔帕索,两名男子因企图偷窃一个催化转换器而被捕。 In El Paso, two men were arrested for attempting to steal a catalytic converter. 37岁的Humberto Sandoval和34岁的Eduardo Contreras于2月6日晚11时30分左右被警察抓获,当时他们在一辆停放的卡车附近被发现。 Humberto Sandoval, 37, and Eduardo Contreras, 34, were caught by police on February 6 around 11:30 p.m. when they were found near a parked truck. Sandoval逃跑,后来在K-9部队的帮助下被捕。 Sandoval fled but was later apprehended with help from a K-9 unit. 两人都因企图盗窃被控作恶罪,并被押入El Paso县拘留所。 Both have been charged with criminal mischief for the attempted theft and were booked into the El Paso County Detention Facility. Contreras在保释金被减少后获释。 Contreras was released after his bond was reduced.