两名22和23岁的鹅溪男子因试图闯入车辆而被捕。 Two Goose Creek men, ages 22 and 23, were arrested for attempting to break into vehicles.
南卡罗来纳州Goose Creek的两名22岁和23岁的男子试图闯入车辆并逃离副手,因此被捕。 Two men from Goose Creek, South Carolina, aged 22 and 23, were arrested after attempting to break into vehicles and fleeing from deputies. 两人均因闯入机动车辆而面临重罪指控。 Both face felony charges for breaking into motor vehicles. 23岁的Shatwan Robertson还持有与被盗车辆指控有关的违反缓刑的尚未执行的逮捕令。 Shatwan Robertson, 23, also had an outstanding warrant for a probation violation related to a stolen vehicle charge. 逮捕是在接到关于可疑活动的电话后进行的,结果导致追逐,最后两名嫌疑人都被拘留。 The arrests followed a call about suspicious activities, leading to a chase that ended with both suspects being detained.