两名嫌疑人在佛罗里达州被捕,据称他们利用改装的车辆盗窃柴油燃料。 Two suspects were arrested in Florida for allegedly stealing diesel fuel using a modified vehicle.
两名嫌疑人,Henry Gonzalez Ortega, 33岁和Jose Garcia Aguila, 35岁,据称因偷柴油而在佛罗里达州Volusia县被捕。 Two suspects, Henry Gonzalez Ortega, 33, and Jose Garcia Aguila, 35, were arrested in Volusia County, Florida, for allegedly stealing diesel fuel. Volusia县治安官办公室在接到Seminole县犯罪中心的消息后追踪了一辆黑色小货车。 The Volusia County Sheriff's Office tracked a black minivan after receiving a tip from the Seminole County Crime Center. Ortega被发现时使用了一辆改装的燃料盗窃车辆,Aguila被捕时,汽车里装有油罐和水管。 Ortega was found with a vehicle modified for fuel theft, and Aguila was arrested with gas cans and a hose in his car. 案件正在调查中。 The case is under investigation.