2名来自东卡罗来纳州的青少年在1月17日因闯入汽车和盗窃被逮捕两次。 Two teens from Eastern Carolina were arrested twice on Jan 17 for car break-ins and thefts.
1月17日,来自东卡罗来纳州的两名19岁和20岁的青年男子因闯入汽车和偷盗而两次被捕。 Two young men from Eastern Carolina, aged 19 and 20, were arrested twice on January 17 for vehicle break-ins and thefts. 第一次逮捕是在安全录像拍下他们试图闯入格林维尔的汽车后发生的。 The first arrest came after security footage captured them attempting to break into cars in Greenville. 他们被指控犯有企图越狱或进入和共谋的轻罪。 They were charged with misdemeanor attempted breaking or entering and conspiracy. 后来,在发现被盗物品后,他们再次因盗窃罪被逮捕。 Later, they were apprehended again for felony larceny charges after stolen items were found. Kennedy和Brown目前受到不同保释条件的拘留。 Kennedy and Brown are currently in custody with varying bail conditions.