6个城市电力承包商因据称从分站窃取铜电缆而被捕。 Six City Power contractors arrested for allegedly stealing copper cables from a substation.
6名为城市电力公司工作的承包商因据称在天文台分局在隧道火灾事件后进行例行检查期间盗窃铜电缆而被捕。 Six contractors working for City Power were arrested for allegedly stealing copper cables at the Observatory Substation during a routine inspection following a tunnel fire incident. 20至43岁的嫌犯被抓获,割断电缆,藏在袋子和鞋子中。 The suspects, aged 20 to 43, were caught cutting cables and hiding them in bags and shoes. 这次逮捕是城市电力局努力打击盗窃和保护城市电力基础设施的一部分。 This arrest is part of City Power's efforts to combat theft and protect the city's electricity infrastructure.