49 岁嫌疑人因在塞浦路斯利马索尔盗窃 1,400 米 EAC 铜缆而被捕。 49-year-old suspect arrested for theft of 1,400 meters of EAC copper cables in Limassol, Cyprus.
利马索尔警方因盗窃超过 1,400 米的 EAC 铜缆而实施了第二次逮捕。 Police in Limassol made a second arrest in connection with the theft of over 1,400 meters of EAC copper cables. 这名 49 岁的嫌疑人根据证人证词被逮捕,目前仍被拘留。 The 49-year-old suspect was arrested based on witness testimony and remains in custody. 另一名33岁的嫌疑人早些时候被捕,也已被还押。 Another suspect, 33 years old, was arrested earlier and has also been remanded. Episkopi 和 Lania 警察局正在调查该国日益严重的电缆和电线盗窃问题。 The Episkopi and Lania police stations are investigating the rising issue of cable and wire theft in the country.