尼日利亚贝宁的3名嫌疑人因经济原因企图偷盗装甲电缆而被捕。 3 suspects in Benin, Nigeria, were arrested for attempting to steal armoured cable for economic reasons.
9月8日,在贝宁(尼日利亚),三名嫌犯因企图从街灯中偷盗装甲电缆而被捕。 Three suspects in Benin, Nigeria, were arrested for attempting to steal armoured cable from a streetlight on September 8. 他们供认以前曾破坏和窃取大约100英尺高的电缆。 They confessed to having previously vandalized and stolen about 100 feet of cable. 嫌犯冒充当地保安人员,他们把经济困难和饥饿作为犯罪动机。 The suspects, who impersonated local security personnel, cited economic hardship and hunger as motivations for their crimes. 尼日利亚安全和民防军说,在调查结束后,他们将在法庭上受到指控。 The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps stated that they will be charged in court after the investigation concludes.