阿尔伯塔省的加拿大皇家骑警因使用先进的策略从油田盗窃铜线而被指控 8 人。 RCMP in Alberta charge 8 for stealing copper wire from oil sites using advanced tactics.
艾伯塔省皇家骑警指控8人利用一架监视飞机、便衣官员和诱饵设备从油气工地窃取铜线。 The RCMP in Alberta has charged 8 people for stealing copper wire from oil and gas sites using a surveillance plane, plainclothes officers, and bait equipment. 调查于10月启动,涉及与关注金属盗窃问题的社区和行业伙伴合作。 The investigation, launched in October, involved cooperation with community and industry partners concerned about metal theft. 皇家骑警还鼓励社区成员帮助防止盗窃,将金属刻上识别信息并报告可疑活动。 The RCMP also encouraged community members to help prevent thefts by engraving metal with identifying information and reporting suspicious activities.