巴基斯坦最高法院辩论利用军事法庭袭击政府建筑物, Pakistan's Supreme Court debates using military courts for attacks on government buildings, amid fairness concerns.
巴基斯坦最高法院正在考虑军事法院是否应当处理对关键政府建筑物的袭击,包括议会和最高法院本身,而不仅仅是对总部的袭击。 Pakistan's Supreme Court is considering whether military courts should handle attacks on key government buildings, including Parliament and the Supreme Court itself, not just the General Headquarters. 律师辩称,军事法庭不提供公平审判,平民不应在那里受审。 Lawyers argue that military courts do not provide fair trials and civilians should not be tried there. 法院推迟了庭审,以进一步辩论该问题,重点是军事审判的透明度和公平性。 The court has postponed the hearing to further debate the issue, focusing on the transparency and fairness of military trials.