40岁的Philip Mutch因对怀孕伴侣实施家庭暴力,包括控制行为和攻击,被判处30个月监禁。 40-year-old Philip Mutch sentenced to 30 months in prison for domestic violence against pregnant partner, including controlling behavior and assault.
Philip Mutch, 40岁,因对袭击期间怀孕的前伴侣实施家庭暴力而被判处30个月的监禁。 Philip Mutch, 40, has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for domestic violence against his former partner, who was pregnant during the attacks. 他对控制和胁迫行为以及5项造成实际身体伤害的攻击罪认罪。 He pleaded guilty to controlling and coercive behavior, along with five counts of assault causing actual bodily harm. 判决于10月25日在Shrewsbury刑事法院进行, Mutch也被禁止无限期与受害人联系。 The sentencing occurred on October 25 at Shrewsbury Crown Court, where Mutch was also banned from contacting the victim indefinitely. 家庭暴力受害人支助资源可在网上获得。 Support resources for domestic violence victims are available online.