Donna Baillie和Stephen Kelly在大流行病期间被判25,000英镑的抵押券诈骗罪。 Donna Baillie and Stephen Kelly were sentenced for a £25,000 voucher scam during the pandemic.
Donna Baillie, 44岁和Stephen Kelly, 45岁,因在COVID-19大流行期间通过骗取凭单骗取25 000英镑,诈骗格拉斯哥的惠特利集团被判刑。 Donna Baillie, 44, and Stephen Kelly, 45, were sentenced for defrauding The Wheatley Group in Glasgow out of £25,000 through a voucher scam during the COVID-19 pandemic. 他们利用预先付款表房客的凭单,在公司审计期间被抓住。 They exploited vouchers meant for tenants with pre-payment meters and were caught during a company audit. 双方都得到270小时的无报酬工作、两年的监督,并必须支付5 000英镑的赔偿金。 Both received 270 hours of unpaid work, two years of supervision, and must pay £5,000 in compensation. 他们还面临从下午7时至早上6时的六个月宵禁。 They also face a six-month curfew from 7 pm to 6 am.