爱尔兰雇员优先考虑混合工作和职业增长,而不是工资涨幅,雇主计划进行人工智能投资。 Irish employees prioritize hybrid work and career growth over salary hikes, with employers planning AI investments.
在爱尔兰,61%的雇员感到财政上的压力,60%的雇员会拒绝没有混合工作选项的工作。 In Ireland, 61% of employees feel financially stressed, and 60% would reject a job without hybrid working options. 《2025年工资指南》(CPL)指出,84%的雇主计划工资涨幅平均为3.4%,但单靠财政奖励不足以吸引人才。 The 2025 Salary Guide by CPL indicates that 84% of employers plan salary hikes averaging 3.4%, yet financial incentives alone aren't enough to attract talent. 雇员优先考虑职业发展和有意义的工作,而不是仅仅高薪。 Employees prioritize career development and meaningful work over just higher pay. 此外,44%的中型公司计划对AI投资,期望生产率提高。 Additionally, 44% of medium-sized firms plan to invest in AI, expecting productivity gains. 欧盟人工智能法可能会影响招聘流程. The EU AI Act could impact recruitment processes.