LinkedIn报告:超过一半的英国工人计划在2025年寻找工作,面临技能不匹配。 LinkedIn report: Over half of UK workers plan to job hunt in 2025, facing a skills mismatch.
LinkedIn的最新报告突显了在招聘方面日益增加的挑战,联合王国50%以上的工人计划在2025年寻找工作。 LinkedIn's latest report highlights growing challenges in recruitment, with over 50% of UK workers planning to job hunt in 2025. 求职者申请的人数更多,但得到的答复较少,只有27%的申请符合所有就业标准。 Job seekers are applying more but getting fewer responses, and only 27% of applications meet all job criteria. 这种不匹配的驱动因素是不断演变的技能需求,特别是AI和可持续性方面的需求。 This mismatch is driven by evolving skills demands, especially in AI and sustainability. 为了弥补这一差距,88%的行政人员计划推动采用AI,77%的行政人员计划将侧重于提高技能。 To address the gap, 88% of executives plan to boost AI adoption, and 77% will focus on upskilling. LinkedIn建议求职者更新他们的简历,并突出显露的软技能。 LinkedIn advises job seekers to update their profiles and highlight soft skills to stand out.